Interviews coming in…sorta

Two interviews down.

Two interviews flaked.

I knew this would be tough because I’m looking for real people with fetishes that they don’t mind speaking about freely. I’m not looking for porn stars who get paid for anything and everything anyway.

So I’ll throw it out there again…if you have a fetish and would like to talk about it, please reach out, comment, email me, Finger-tag…whatever!! If you’re out in the open about it…yay. If you’d like to remain anonymous, I’ll call you whatever you want (Buck Naked, Mr. X…really, whatever). You can even cook up a fake email or use a Jason Bourne disposable phone if we talk. I’m down with whatever.

So really, don’t be shy. You know you wanna. I’ve gotten one in where the person was glad to just get it off their chest!!

I have a feeling it will be tougher than I thought

I’m guessing finding interview candidates will be hard.

First off…I only have a few followers. So by all means…please reblog if it won’t hurt your stats.

Another issue is going to be finding real people with an affinity for <insert fetish here>.

People already in porn have been there and done that. And by that, I mean everything. I’m not interested in folks who do it all. I’m interested in talking to people who have that one thing that activates the animal in them. Visceral.

So again, if anyone has any interest…please reach out. We can keep it to twitter handles or nothing at all. I don’t even have to know your name. I don’t mind referring to folks as Subject X, Y or Z.

Do you have a fetish? How private is it?

Do you have something that gets you going every. single. time? Like the no-doubter? If your partner does or wears this or that it is a guaranteed railing (or get railed)?layered

Also, is it something only your partner knows? Or do your friends know as well?


I have only a chosen few friends who know mine. What about you?



How naughty of a fetish is it? Do you think your girlfriend/wife would spill the beans to her friends at a Passion Party?